TURNING POINT’s soundtrack features “The Barbados Slaves’ Work Song” (c 1780)…
19.03.2023Sweet Patootee Arts’ TURNING POINT exhibition features our own original interpretations of the unique, scarcely-known and deeply poignant “The Barbados Slaves’ Work Song” (c 1780).
We created 2 versions:
Version 1 is a steady call and response. We imagined we were workers pacing ourselves to do repetitive manual labour in 80-90 degree heat…
Version 2 is an up-beat call and response game. We imagined we were back in our village after the working day – revving our spirits…
Here is a simple movie of still over clips from these 2 versions – you’ll see pix of us recording the songs, and the 18th century transcription of the song.
This summer (2023) we’ll make our recordings of the songs available as downloadable resources – part of the major redesign of this website, to support public engagement with TURNING POINT’s stories and themes…
Click the link below to play the movie: